Category Archives: Upcoming Events

2021 Lantern Festival Gala 元宵节联欢晚会



传统新年到来之际,新墨西哥华裔工程师和科学家协会(ACES-NM计划筹备zoom在线形式的元宵节联欢晚会。时间定于2021年2月27日晚7点到8点30分。现面向本地各界人士征集节目(5-10分钟录像形式)。希望带给大家一个轻松欢乐的一个多小时,驱散2020年的阴霾,喜迎2021年!节目内容不限,但会有简单的审核过程。初定于2月6日确定节目清单,给报名者确切回复。希望大家踊跃报名,用你的才艺分享传播欢乐给大家。有意者点击下面的链接填写表格参与报名。视频分辨率720p及以上,可以google drive分享到 谢谢支持!

2019 Fall Picnic

Dear members, 
You and your family, friends are cordially invited to our annual ACES/CIE-NM fall picnic. The picnic will be held at 11 am – 2 pm, Saturday, September 7th at Rotary Park (7800 Quintana Dr. NE). 

There will be pizza, salads, fresh fruits, and drinks. This year we will feature dances brought to us by 开心健身队.

A link to the map is provided below:

Please RSVP to

Please forward to anyone who is interested.
Hope to see you all there!

Qian-Yun Zhang

President, CIE/ACES-NM